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Information on the Comprehensive Care Centre for Sexual Violence (CAIVS)

Sexual violence violates a woman’s fundamental right to freedom, physical and moral integrity, equality and dignity. Spanish Organic Law 10/2022, of 6 September, on the comprehensive guarantee of sexual freedom, establishes the creation of Specialised Care Centres for Sexual Violence, thus allocating a specific resource for intervention with surviving victims. According to this regulation, sexual violence is considered to be acts of a sexual nature that are not consensual or that affect the free development of sexual life in any public or private sphere, including sexual aggression, sexual harassment and the exploitation of the prostitution of others, the dissemination of acts of sexual violence through technological means, non-consensual pornography and sexual extortion. Moreover, other behaviours with an impact on sexual life such as female genital mutilation, forced marriage, harassment with sexual connotations and trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation are also considered sexual violence.


No need to file a complaint
Direct access or referral
Victim/survivor-centred approach
Confidential and safe space
With a gender and intersectionality approach
Leaflet (PDF 1,11 MB)